The Participation Network is open to anyone who wants to use their voice or empower the voice of others. It is a space to collaborate to make change, it acts as a community of practice for allowing people to reflect and learn from each other. 

We are excited to invite you to our next in person Participation Network Gathering. This free event is open to anyone interested in participation. Expect a day full of fun, learning, and connection with activities, short talks, and workshops.

Hosted by Staf and run by our amazing steering group of collective experience, this gathering brings together participation practitioners and young people to explore how we can better communicate, show compassion, and take action in our work.

Spaces are limited, so make sure to book your place soon. We aim to be accessible and inclusive as possible so let us know if you have any access requirements. Lunch is also included - if you have any special dietary needs, please let us know on the booking form.

Come along, get involved and be inspired!

Book a place

Ticket Quantity Price

General admission

Decrease Increase £0.00