“Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere”. Chinese proverb

As the Life Changes Trust looks to secure its legacy programme, they leave a body of rich learning for everyone involved in the lives of young people with care experience. It is important that this learning does not lie dormant and can be used to improve services, organisations and, most importantly, the lives of young people.

The Trust wants to ensure that the evidence and learning the Young People with Care Experience Programme has gathered over the last 9 years is actively utilised to influence policy and practice within the care sector. Staf is delighted to be announced as the legacy partner to lead on the Learning Channel project.

The purpose of the Learning Channel is:

  • To provide easy access to learning resources and tools to anyone interested in engaging with young people with care experience
  • To develop new online learning content based on Trust learning and evaluations
  • To offer an (online) space for people engaged in relevant Networks and Communities of Practice

Therefore, the Learning Channel will be about more than simply holding the Life Changes Trust’s already commissioned evaluations, films, and other reports. Staf will also develop a programme which will both showcase the work and impact that has already taken place and support the sector to use this information to encourage further learning and development. This will be facilitated through an online platform, accessible to all, complimented by a range of activities and events. Furthermore, we will draw out themes and develop learning opportunities for the sector – including the development of new online content, particularly in conjunction with the Digital Skills Legacy project, to keep the legacy of the learning from the Life Changes Trust alive.

One of Staf’s key strengths is its ability to bring people across Scotland together for shared learning and peer support. Within the Learning Channel, we will work in partnership with practitioners, young people and other Trust legacy partners to develop an online space for networking purposes and communities of practice relevant to the themes that emerge; a current example is on Inclusion and Rights.

To ensure that the Learning Channel respects the legacy of learning whilst building on continued learning for the future, Staf will establish an advisory group of young people, practitioners and policymakers that will direct and oversee this work supported by the Learning, Evaluation and Impact Lead we are currently recruiting. To apply for this post, go to our website and follow us on social media. You can also sign up to our monthly newsletter for more information on the formation of our advisory group and the development of the Learning Channel.

As we work closely together to hand over the wealth of learning, and collaborate with other legacy partners to bring the co-designed and impactful learning to the sector, we will proudly uphold the principles of the Trust; live our own values - We Listen. We Care. We Love; and ensure a legacy of co-designed learning is ‘owned’ by the workforce and policymakers; used improve services and - most importantly - the lived experience of young people.

We're hiring! If you have the skills and passion to design the online learning channel, in conjunction with those with lived experience, why not apply to be our Learning, Evidence and Impact Lead.