Announcing the virtual return of #Our Choir, Scotland’s choir for the Care Community.

Our Choir utilises music and relationships as a supportive resource to overcome trauma and is ran by Project Return, Staf's national trauma project. Our aim is to bring together those with experience of the children’s care and/or the justice system and their workers, giving them a voice and way of connecting through music.

Given we can’t meet in person we have found a virtual way to bring the choir to life by partnering with choir director Emilie Boyd, who has explained in the video above how the virtual choir will work and how it will be centred on building connections through zoom rehearsals.   

So if you’re a self-proclaimed karaoke star, a car singer or you love singing alone in your bedroom then please join us. It is open to anyone aged 16 + with experience of care and or the justice system and their corporate parents from teachers to through care and after care workers.

You can sign up to get involved by clicking the link below - the deadline to sign up is Friday 28th August

Sign-up here

Make sure to watch the video linked above to hear more about how you can get involved and how to submit your vocal tracks - we will be performing Sunshine on Leith by The Proclaimers!

Choir rehearsals will take place via Zoom on the 1st September.

Low parts session: 5pm - 6pm
Middle parts session: 6pm - 7pm
High parts session: 7pm - 8pm

For examples on how the finished piece will look, please see the examples below. 

Example 1 

Example 2

Project Return is a Staf project, led by members of its care-experienced steering group ('The Catalysts'), focused on changing how the care system understand and supports trauma. 'The Catalysts' members, alongside members of the workforce, have been meeting bi-weekly since September 2019.