Since we began in 2019, Youth Justice Voices has been funded by Life Changes Trust, to help us amplify the voices of young people in the care and justice systems, and support workforce development. As this funding comes to an end, we would like to reflect on the many wonderful opportunities it has given us.

Life Changes Trust have consistently championed us in developing creative approaches to supporting care and justice experienced young people to lead the way in sharing experiences and influencing real change - whilst placing relationships at the heart of everything we do.


The funding has enabled us to work in creative and flexible ways throughout the pandemic, helping us to meet the needs and aspirations of our young people despite the challenges presented by restrictions. This has included funding activities, care packages, data and devices to make sure we stay connected and beat boredom and isolation. It has also allowed us to ensure our activities are meaningful, impactful but also fun, which has been extremely important during these difficult times.

We would like to thank Life Changes Trust for their funding, support and kindness during the last three years. Without this, Youth Justice Voices would not be what it is today.