
The following paper explores the views of aftercare workers in Munster on the needs of their clients and what they feel are gaps in the current system of aftercare provision in their own geographical areas. The author assesses the current situation in relation to aftercare provision in Ireland and identifies gaps in the system through the analysis of literature as appropriate to aftercare provision in Ireland. Additionally, the author considers the complex needs of young people leaving care and reflects on this from a social constructionist perspective; a psycho-social position and a legislative viewpoint. The inconsistent nature of aftercare provision in Ireland is emphasised in this study as is the need for reform within the area of leaving and aftercare services. The psychological factors influencing the level of support needed for young care leavers are brought to the reader’s attention as are the considerations and opinions of aftercare workers on the importance of building on client/social worker relationships within the area of aftercare services. The recommendations for practice put forward by the author are directly linked to the findings of the primary and secondary research carried out in the study. The study stresses the vital role played by the aftercare services as an integral part of the care process and in assisting the transition into adulthood for one of the most vulnerable groups in society.

You can download Julianne's paper by clicking on the link below.


Julianne McSweeney: "For effective aftercare, you need effective relationships" (PDF)