Responding to Offending in Residential Childcare On 26th April, CYCJ (Centre for Youth and Criminal Justice) hosted a roundtable discussion on the report Responding to Offending in Residential Childcare - Next Steps Project Progress Report. The event brought together representatives from a number of organisations, including Social Work Scotland, Community Justice Scotland, Care Inspectorate, CELCIS, COSLA, Police Scotland, SCRA, Staf, University of Strathclyde, and Who Cares? Scotland to discuss three questions: What is working well in Scotland? What could be improved? How can this be achieved? Deborah Nolan (CYCJ) published a blog giving an overview of the Roundtable and highlighting the key themes which were raised. - Read Deborah Nolan's Blog Claire Sands (Howard League for Penal Reform) published a blog which highlights the similarities and differences between the unneccessary criminalisation of children in residential childcare in Scotland and England and Wales. - Read Claire Sands' Blog Manage Cookie Preferences