Staf CEO Jo Derrick responds to the Trussell Trust's Hunger in Scotland report which revealed that 1/5 of foodbank users in Scotland have experienced of care, despite making up 1% of the population. 

“The figures from the Trussell Trust’s report are indeed shocking but sadly not surprising. We have known for far too long that some care experienced people are more likely to face inequalities, including poverty. The Promise (2020) showed us that care-experienced young people are one and a half times more likely to have financial difficulties and, on average, earn three quarters of the salaries of their peers.

The cost-of-living crisis has exacerbated this for too many. 

These latest figures are a stark reminder that we have a collective responsibility to ensure our society, and our systems within our society, cares better and is ambitious for care experienced people within our community.

At Staf, we strongly believe a Guaranteed Income, coupled with holistic services, can make a huge difference, providing security, choice and agency and it is heartening to see that the Welsh basic income pilot is already seeing positive results.

Brandon, a recipient of the Welsh Basic Income said: "It has made a massive difference in my life. I wouldn't be able to do the things I do now without it." (

Staf, our Partners Aberlour Children’s Charity and an Advisory Board of care-experienced people are collectively calling for a prototype for this approach in Scotland and the time to design a model for Scotland is now. Members of the Guaranteed Income Advisory Group have shared the following views on financial insecurity and the impact that a guaranteed income could have:

“It’s a difference between surviving and living. It's a small jump but a massive leap.”

“It’s shocking that as a young person who has went through the state care system that’s meant to help, love and support you, that I’m not getting the support that I need, or I’m entitled to. There’s too many hoops, too many hoops.”

“It’s a risk worth taking. Because for a lot of care experienced people, things aren’t working”

We must all recognise that more needs to be done to ensure that care experienced people are provided with the financial support to ensure they can have equal opportunities to thrive.

The Guaranteed Income would #KeepThePromise by ensuring care-experienced people are supported into a life of independence, self-reliance & stability.

Uniquely to Scotland, we are seeking the views of care experienced people in the design of the pilot. If you would like to be part of this conversation, please contact [email protected]"

Jo Derrick, CEO Staf (Scottish Throughcare and Aftercare Forum)

Read the Sunday Post article on the subject