#Care Day22 - Sharing the Love for the Care Experienced Community It’s International Care Day today, a day to stop, reflect, and celebrate those of us in our community that have lived experience of the care system and appreciate this aspect of their identity along with all the other aspects of their wonderful selves. As an organisation, Staf’s vision is that the wellbeing and success of young people leaving care across Scotland is indistinguishable from that of theirs peers. We work towards this vision hand in glove with those leaving care and all those involved in the lives of Care Leavers. It is through the co-design and co-led projects we develop where we really see ‘the magic’ happen and today I would like to give particular appreciation to all of you with lived experience that have been and are involved in Staf projects; all of which have a common aim of making a positive and lasting difference to the care-experienced community and those that support them. Here at Staf we are actively seeking people with lived experience to join our Scottish Care Leavers Forum – looking to influence local and national policy that impacts on the lives of Care Leavers and we would love to hear more from you. If you are interested in joining our forum please email: [email protected] These projects are actively supported by members of our staff team, some of whom are Care Leavers, who also bring their authentic lived experience of the care system to our everyday practice as a team and our approach to our organisational culture. You help keep us focused on what really matters, push through the challenges and trust us to treat your lived experience with respect to shape a better experience for others. Thankyou. I’d also like to say a big thankyou to our past and present Board members who represent the care community. Your contribution to the direction we go as an organisation makes for a truer path and your ability to represent the voice of others with lived experience is essential to our leadership. Thankyou. We are currently recruiting for a Board Director with lived experience. You can find out more at here and would love to hear from you if you are interested. We strongly believe in the importance of Care Leavers working collaboratively with the workforce community to drive systemic change in the sector and everyday practice. With all the challenges we have had over the past 2 years of pan/endemic it would be remiss of me not to recognise that there have been real emotional, financial and social challenges for Care Leavers, not just amplified recently but over decades that urgently need to be responded to. It’s essential that we collaborate as a sector and as a society to push forward on Plan 21-24 of The Promise; to be the changemakers with and for the care experienced community and have something further to celebrate on International Care Day 2023. Manage Cookie Preferences