What We Do Trauma Informed Practice Support for the National Trauma Training programme: Mapping exercise of training needs for Supported Carers/Supported Lodgings The ambition of the Scottish Government, Staf (Scottish Throughcare and Aftercare Forum) and many other partners across Scotland, is for a trauma-informed and trauma-responsive workforce and services, with a recognition that we all have a role to play in understanding and responding to people affected by psychological trauma. The aim is to ensure that services and care are delivered in ways that prevent further harm or re-traumatisation for those who have experienced psychological trauma or adversity at any stage in their lives. Our National Trauma Training Programme, led by NHS Education for Scotland (NES), provides training resources and support to help facilitate this ambition and one of the key priorities for the Programme over the coming year is to support, where we can, those working with and caring for looked after children, young people and care leavers to support delivery of The Promise. Supported Carers/Supported Lodgings are an essential part of the team around our young people and we are keen to understand more about the current levels of knowledge and understanding around psychological trauma among the Supported Carer/Supported Lodgings population, to what extent trauma informed practice is already well embedded or where additional support through the trauma training programme may be helpful. Everyone has a role to play in responding to trauma but being trauma-informed does not mean everyone needs or is expected to become a trauma expert or counsellor. Sometimes expertise is required, but everyone can build trusted relationships which can help people to overcome adverse and traumatic experiences. With this in mind it would really help us to get your feedback on the following questions. There are no wrong answers this is purely about gaining an understanding of whether further training or guidance on psychological trauma may be useful. We know you are busy people so as a thankyou we are inviting you to provide your email address in order that we enter you into our prize draw to win a trauma informed practice book. The survey will only take 5 minutes of your time and is available using these links: Complete survey for organisations/services Complete survey for Supported Carers/Supported Lodgings The closing date is: 23:59, 28th March Many of us will be exposed to events that have the potential to cause distress and disrupt our lives. In addition, we know that the experience of the pandemic has exposed some of the workforce to additional traumatic experiences. Please note that this survey does not ask any questions about personal experiences of trauma. This page provides information about useful services if you are seeking support with recovery from psychological trauma: https://transformingpsychologicaltrauma.scot/wellbeing/are-you-looking-for-help-with-recovery-from-the-impact-of-trauma If you have any questions about this survey please contact [email protected] You can also attend our Brew and a Blether forthcoming Q&A sessions being held on MS Teams on Monday 15th March (Organisations & Services), Wednesday 24th March (Supported Carers/Supported Lodgings) where you can raise questions with representatives from Staf, NHS Education Scotland and the Scottish Government. Thankyou once again for your support. Manage Cookie Preferences