2009 Higher Aspirations, Brighter Futures A series of reports from the National Residential Child Care Initiative, let by the Centre for Residential Child Care and commissioned by the Scottish Government. According to CELCIS, this was "the most significant review of residential child care in Scotland's history". Three working groups were established to focus on three challenges identified: the experience of the increasing number of children and young people with complex and multiple needs being placed in residential care; the status, training, education, skills and competence of the residential child care workforce; and the pattern and type of provision required to meet the needs of children and young people and planning at national and local level. A fourth group examined and reported on secure care. Overarching messages from the reports included: Effective intervention requires clear assessment and understanding of the child's needs. Residential child care requires a strategic role in relation to other children's services. Effective planning requires better management information. Effective collaboration is essential. A well-equipped and supported workforce is critical to ensure best possible care. Read it in full Looked After Children (Scotland) Regulations 2009 Replacing the Arrangements to Look After Children (Scotland) Regulations 1996 and Fostering Children (Scotland) Regulations 1996, following the passage of the Adoption and Children (Scotland) Act 2007. Amongst other things, the Regulations set out rules on: care planning; looked-after children cared for by parents; kinship care; fostering; looked-after children placed in residential establishments; and emergency measures. Part II sets out the requirement for local authorities to carry out an assessment of any child that is looked after or about to be looked after and what that assessment should include. With regard to preparing a child's plan, Part II sets out: who should be consulted on the plan; what the plan must include; and who should be informed of the plan. Part IV sets out local authorities' power to make arrangements for a child to be looked after by their parents or by any person who has parental rights and responsibilities for the child. Part V sets out when and how a child can be placed with a Kinship Carer. Part VI sets out requirements for the establishment and work of a 'fostering panel'. A fostering panel will consider: whether a person is a suitable foster carer; whether a person is a suitable foster carer for a particular child; and the maximum number of children a carer may have in their care. Read it in full Manage Cookie Preferences