Sport protects mental health of children who experience trauma In January 2018, Public Health Wales (PHW) and Bangor University published a report from their study which looked at what could help people with Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). The Welsh Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) and Resilience Survey was carried out to look at the individual and community factors that could offer protection from the impacts of ACEs on helath, wellbeing and propserity throughout a person's life. The survey, which had over 2,500 participants from across Wales, measured the access people had to various sources of resilience in childhood and adulthood (including personal, relational and community resources, relationships with adults, social and leisure activities and traditions). The study published a number of conclusions, with some requiring further study. They note that there are strong relationships between sports participation in childhood and lower lifetime mental illness, and also between regular adult participation in sports and current mental illness. - Read the report on Public Health Wales' website Manage Cookie Preferences