News and Blogs Blogs Trustee times "It was a great honour to work with Staf as as an employee, my first ever job running The Voices in 2014 then to be asked to be part of the board in 2017 as one of the first young people with care experience at the time. I always remember presenting to the board one time in Glasgow, presenting The Voices Project, and looking round the room and was staring at all these professionals at the time in suits, questioning the previous CEO why there was no young people on the board, to then a few years later to being asked in the training room in our offices in Glasgow to be part of the board. That was just the start of the dynamics changing within in the organisation, it was not only about being Scotland’s national membership organisation for all those involved in supporting young people leaving care, we became invested in young people in the care system and creating platforms for care leavers. It was a pleasure witnessing and being part of fantastic changes within the 9 years I have been part of the team and I know you all will continue to thrive Thanks for being the organisation who always had my back and never gave up on me. Reminding me during my university days that I have got this degree and they believe in me. Staf have been a source of inspiration to me over the years and a strong influence on my professional career as a social worker. I will miss you so much and the tea at three for the gossip." Staf CEO Jo Derrick has shared the following about Simone "Simone will be sorely missed by all on the Staf Board and our Staf team and we are so appreciative of all that she has brought to the organisation, both as someone who is invested in Staf’s mission and as a Board member who held us accountable for delivering on our commitments. Simone will always be a welcome supporter of Staf and to join us at our tea at 3! Part of Simone’s legacy is that we people with lived experience continue to be integral to the breadth of knowledge, skill and experience we seek to take on a Board Director role and we welcome our new care experienced members Josh and Christine to continue with us on that governance journey." Manage Cookie Preferences