What We Do Current Projects The Real Toolkit Changes to the Real Toolkit, why and why it is important. Hello, we are happy to finally reveal an important change to The Real Toolkit. Over the last few months our advisory group – made up of care experienced people and members of the workforce - have been working together to identify ways to improve the website to reflect the wider care experienced population. One question we kept being asked, and asked ourselves, was why the young people section was named as such – why not people with care experience? When we created The Real Toolkit, we decided to use terms that are known and used frequently in the third sector – young people and workforce. However, when we wrote the guides for the website, we used workforce to mean anyone who has a relationship with a care experienced person and the workforce guides reflect this. Similarly, the young people section, although named young people section, has guides that apply to any care experienced individual – regardless of age. We took time to think about and discuss the importance of language and terminology and decided to make an important change to the website. The young people page has now changed to 'people with care experience'.We worked with the designer @swandoco design to make these changes and they are now live! We will be working together until the end of the year to adapt our guides and links to offer up to date practical support and guidance for all care experienced people. Having people with care experience and members of the workforce co-producing this resource who care deeply about what they do and how we represent care experienced voices has been invaluable and none of the work of the real toolkit would be possible without them. We would like to thank everyone who has used the website, shared the resource and contributed to feedback, Also, a big thank you to @swandco design for always being amazing and accommodating. Lastly, thank you to our advisory group who have made this toolkit and the recent changes possible. As always, we would love your feedback or comments on the changes or on any aspect of the resource. You can email here – [email protected] If you would like your organisation/services to be added to The Real Toolkit you can also get in touch via the email above and we would be happy to discuss. Check out the new look Real Toolkit Manage Cookie Preferences