Project Return is a Staf project that is funded by the Life Changes Trust. It aims to create trauma recovery resources, based on nurturing environments and supportive relationships.

This project is participation led and so is designed and delivered by a steering group of individuals with experience of care who have named themselves ‘The Catalysts’. This group have created their own individual videos to introduce themselves and to project how they view this project. Below is a copy of all their amazing videos collated so why not give it a watch?

If you are interested in learning more about the project then please click here to read about the resources we have created such as Seeds for Change, Rock the Lockdown and a pet survey. You can follow us on twitter @Project_Return_

If you are interested in joining the steering group and want to be part of our movement for change, we are always happy to welcome new faces, please get in touch with Jenny, Project Return Development Worker, on [email protected]

Project Return is a Staf project, led by members of its care-experienced steering group ('The Catalysts'), focused on changing how the care system understand and supports trauma. 'The Catalysts' members, alongside members of the workforce, have been meeting bi-weekly since September 2019.