COSLA has published their report detailing how Local Authorities intend to Keep the Promise. The report draws on achievements made to date and areas requiring more attention alongside some examples of work being carried out by individual Local Authorities to #KeepThePromise. We've pulled out the information relevant to those working in Throughcare and Aftercare and care leavers.

A Good Childhood: 

  1. Mental Health Join Delivery Board: supporting the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people.
  2. Involvement in working group to deliver ‘Staying together and connected: getting it right for sisters and brothers’, 
  3. Part of Scottish Attainment Challenge, supporting Councils to deliver funding earmarked for care experienced students.
  4. Supporting delivery of MCR Pathways mentoring project
  5. Co chair of Secure Care Working Group who are looking to reform provision of secure care to ensure 16 and 17 year olds are not held in Young Offender Institutes 
  6. Working with CYCJ on provision and availability of secure transport and listening to the experiences of young people.
  7. Working on Local Employability Partnerships to deliver fair and long lasting employment opportunities for young people.
  8. Delivering on the Young Person's Guarantee 
  9. Working with CELCIS and others to deliver on the action plan following the research on Continuing Care.
  10. Working with Scottish Government on Foster and Kingship Care allowances following the findings of the Review of Care Allowances Group
  11. Member of the Kinship Care Collaborative, looking to improve gaps in provision and resource and understanding of legislation alongside Kinship Care Protocol to ensure consistency of provision across Scotland. 

The Local Government workforce is our greatest asset; we are proud to have a workforce that supports and delivers for our children, young people, families and communities every day. We are incredibly thankful to our workforce for guiding and supporting us through the COVID-19 pandemic; they have shown strength, leadership and guidance and we will forever be grateful to them. These are just some of the examples of how our local authorities are supporting their staff to Keep The Promise

Supporting the Workforce

  1. COSLA are part of the Collective Leadership Workforce Sub-Group which is tasked with overseeing workforce rights as outlined in UNCRC and the delivery of the workforce recommendations as outlined in Plan 21 - 24.
  2. Ensuring the workforce implement the trauma informed Scottish Child Interview Model when interviewing children and young people.
  3. Members of the National Implementation Group created to support and oversee the implementation of Revised National Guidance for Child Protection in Scotland.
  4. The Collective Leadership Group Workforce Sub Group will promote and support wellbeing and mental health of the workforce, support implementation of GIRFEC practice model and GIRFEC Systems Leadership Programme and other leadership programmes, oversee the development of an integrated skills and advanced practice framework that supports transitions and family support models and provide strategic oversight on the delivery of a trauma informed training programme for the integrated children and families workforce. 

Building Capacity 

  1. COSLA is a key stakeholder of the Children's Hearing Working Group and a member of the Children’s Hearings Improvement
  2. Part of discussions to join up work and communication between Local Government, The Care Inspectorate and The Scottish Social Services Council.
  3. Working with The Promise Scotland to present on The Promise at all of COSLA’s policy boards; and in developing internal staff sessions.

Further information from each local authority can be found on COSLA’s website:

Read the full report