Listening to children and young people's wishes and feelings should be universal, but it isn't. How children feel about their lives and the care they receive should be central to understanding the quality of care. Instead, it is often adults - carers and professionals - who share their own interpretations of what a positive care system does and should look like.

Coram Voice and the University of Bristol established the Bright Spots programme to understand waht is important to children and young people in care, and also to create a framework where they can share the learning on where children are doing well and comparing their experiences in different local authorities.

'Our Lives, Our Care' summarises the findings of the Bright Spots 'Your Life, Your Care' survey across six local authorities with responses from 611 children and young people, aged between 4 and 18 years old. The report also includes recommendations for policy and practice.

In carrying out this survey, the University of Bristol and Coram Voice developed the Bright Spots Well-Being Indicators. The four key areas for these indicators are:

  • Relationships
  • Resilience Building
  • Rights
  • Recovery

Questions were then created from each of the indicators.

- Read the full report 'Our Lives, Our Care'

For more information about the Bright Spots Programme, please visit the Coram Voice website.