On Wednesday 22 November members and partners alongside care experienced young people, attended our National Conference as we look to move beyond Plan 21 - 24. Here we have shared resources, clips and presentations from throughout they day.

Welcome from Staf CEO Jo Derrick

Jo Derrick welcomed our delegates to our National Conference and laid out the agenda for the day. She thanked our headline Sponsor, Kibble and encouraged delegates to visit the exhibitors throughout the day and introduced her co-host, Shaun Docherty. 

Thomas Carlton and Rachel Keenan: 100 Days of Listening 

Thomas Carlton, who is on secondment to Staf from the Promise Scotland was joined by his colleague Rachel Keenan to share information about the 100 Days of Listening and what those who have participated so far have told them do far. They spoke of  issues around capacity, resource, inconsistency of practice but also noted that a huge amount of great work being carried out. They encouraged all those in the room, who are all Moving On experts, to take part and contribute to the solutions for the blueprint for change. 

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Take part in 100 Days of Listening 
Email [email protected] 

Dawn Robb, Learning, Evidence and Impact Lead, Staf: Learning Channel latest 

Staf's Learning, Evidence and Impact Lead, Dawn Robb, informed the Conference on the work to date on the Life Changes Trusted Learning Channel project. She demonstrated the type of content which will be available by showcasing the Cinderella Story animation and the Top Tips to Co-production. 

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Find out more email [email protected] 

Dr Autumn Roesch-Marsh, University of Edinburgh: Feeling safe, feeling connected; working with care experienced young people

"People help people feel safe" 

Our final session of the morning was from Dr Autumn Roesch-Marsh, who build on her presentation at last year's Conference anout the importance of friendships to both the workforce and care experienced people. This year, she expanded on this topic by bringing in the trauma informed pillar of safety. She started by reading a poem from  Audrey Lorde A Litany for Survival. 

She then encouraged the delegates to think about what safety sounds, tastes, feels and looks like which resulted in a wide variety of answers demonstrating that safety is personal and particular to the individual so needs to be explored on a person by person basis and the interconnectivity between friendships and safety. The delegates were also asked to discuss what enables people to feel safe and how they can be developed. Again, this brought up a variety of answers from the physical space, communication, relationships, trauma informed training, openness to name but a few. Her final ask was for everyone to write down one commitment which will enable safety to develop and grow. 

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Friendship & Peers research
Email [email protected] 

Roundtable: How are you Keeping the Promise? 


Following lunch the delegates were encouraged to move around as they were to discuss 

  • What you are doing to Keep the Promise 
  • How is that impacting the young people? 
  • Is the Promise changing how you deliver your services, is it making a difference for your workforce? 
  • How are you being brave for our young people.

We will soon share these answers.

Promise Posters - the delegates were also asked to collate an A4 poster on how they are Keeping the Promise. You can see what was produced here

Lightning Talks: Our lightning talk section was introduced by our co-host Shaun Docherty 

Claire, Victoria and Charlie, Charleston Square: Relational approach to Continuing Care

"When you commit to a relational approach, that's what you do. Teaching them we love them and they are worth it" 

Our first lightning talk of the afternoon came from Claire, Victoria and Charlie who informed the delegates of the approach they take to Continuing Care at Charleston Square supported accommodation in Renfrewshire. Claire informed us of how the centre works with the ten individual houses. She explained about the power shift to the young people who are made to feel responsible but in a nurturing and supportive environment. Victoria shared the many activities and events which build on the relational approach from baby showers to pride events and how that staff will reach out to former residents long after they have left to check in on them and let them know they are there for them. Charlie closed their talk with her brilliant TikTok videos demonstrating the impact Charleston Square has had on her life. 

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Beth-Anne Logan and Sharon Coates, North Lanarkshire Council 

"Now it's about doing - underpinned by love" 

At our second lightning talk we heard from Beth-Anne and Sharon from North Lanarkshire Council and the work they and their team have been doing to deliver the promise for young people transitioning to adulthood. Beth-Anne told us how they have reworked the Pathway plan into the My Future Plan, making it more person centred and future focused. We also heard about the importance of partnership working with agencies including housing in their Housing Operations Group which has helped to end homelessness and rent arrears. They also introduced their new Throughcare and Aftercare nurses which will bring health to the heart of their work.

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Fraser McKinlay, CEO The Promise Scotland 

"My heart is singing with the incredible work being done"

The last session of our Conference was led by Fraser McKinlay, CEO of the Promise Scotland. In his address he reflected on the themes raised throughout the day around bravery and risk taking and the idea of the risk of the status quo. He also shared the importance of small but significant wins which can make huge impacts on individual lives. In relation to the challenging economic situation he suggested that disinvestment is key to ensuring that available resources are used most effectively as there will be very little additional expenditure. He closed with a reminder to take part in the 100 Days of Listening and signposted imminent announcements about Plan 24 - 30 and opportunities to get involved. 

Closing remarks, Jo Derrick 

Jo closed the Conference with a thanks to all who attended, for making space to join us and share. She reflected on the importance of working together as we cannot deliver the promise on our own. She said a special thanks to our Headline Sponsor, Kibble, our exhibitors and to the Staf team and noted how good it felt to be back together and to feel the 'power of laughter in the room'.