What We Do Moving On Change Programme Sign up to the 100 Days of Listening Want to share your views on what's needed to deliver the promise for young people transitioning to adulthood? Then sign up to take part in the 100 Days of Listening. We are keen to visit as many people and groups across Scotland, to hear from them their wishes for how Scotland keeps the Promise to all children, young people and their families, including those moving on from care. We’d love to hear from anyone interested in getting involved and will do all we can to make the opportunity as accessible as possible for those wishing to take part. Please let us know if you are interested in getting involved or would like to speak with one of the team to find out more. Please complete the expression of interest form below or if you’d like to get in touch directly with the team please email [email protected]. Expression of interest formYou can also complete our short survey to share your views. Complete survey Manage Cookie Preferences