What is Seeds for Change?

With the arrival of the pandemic, our planned outdoor wellbeing program with Scottish Forestry has been put on pause. Undeterred The Catalysts (the steering group behind Project Return) have still found a way to use nature as a wellbeing tool through our starter kit, and series of online forestry club sessions!

The group have created Seeds for Change - an indoor plant starter kit that will bring nature and nurture inside to care leavers and workers' homes. We have been supported by the Scottish Forestry who have kindly brought their expertise to the group co-designing the kit, packaging and delivering them.

“As a group, we have come up with different ways to have fun and still stay safe we have thought about creating a box with veg and flowers which we grow ourselves, and have looked at who we would like to share these with and are they a good trauma resource.” - One of the Catalysts

Poem by one of the Catalysts:


How can you be part of Seeds for Change?

The Catalysts have created 40 kits, which we would like to give out equally to workers and care leavers. These are designed to be for people who would like to start growing plants and using nature as a wellbeing tool but have faced a barrier to doing this.

There is no application to getting a kit and are available for anyone with any experience of care, all we ask is that you provide us feedback so we can learn and develop. The kits are now sold out.

What is the Seeds for Change Forestry Club?

The Catalyst would like to continue Seeds for Change beyond the kits and have set up virtual forestry club sessions, where those with or without kits can share how their plants are growing, take part in forestry wellbeing activities led by experts and build budding friendships. Once it is safe to do so this club will venture out to the forest to continue their adventure.

Keep an eye out on the Staf website for announcements of future Forestry Club sessions. 

If you would like to be part of this please email Jenny on [email protected]